The First Anniversary

One year. In some ways, our first year of marriage absolutely flew by. No way it’s been twelve months since we got married. I remember the day as if it happened last week, partly because I intentionally tried to live the day in the moment and remember as much of it as possible. We got …


I went through high school unmedicated. My illness flew under the radar, mostly because I played sports year around, and I exercised at least two hours a day, except some weekends. I didn’t sleep much, particularly in high school. I don’t think my parents realized I did homework until 12:00 AM and woke up at …

Writing mood

For once in my life, I’m in the mood to write. Apparently, this means nothing because I do not know what to write about. I’ve finished my book titled The Ultimate Guide to Not Sucking at Human Interactions, and it doesn’t really need anymore work. If I went back to it, I’d just sit there …

Moving past anger

Ever since I can remember, low-level rage flows constantly underneath any mood I experience. It only takes one little nudge for me to allow my temper to take control and overwhelm everything else going on. In childhood, I frequently blew up at my siblings over nothing. I do not remember any specifics except yelling at …

Just be

I didn’t have many friends in high school or college. Unmedicated and incredibly intense, I had a hard time being close to anyone in high school. I became friends with a girl a grade below me and our friendship was strong at first and then it petered out. We became close very fast and eventually …